Do you remember the feeling of opening gifts on your birthday? You feel the same when testing free products from Amazon or any other platform! But do you know how to apply for Amazon product tester?

Product testers get new items, try them out, and tell everyone what they think. It’s a fun way to see the latest gadgets, toys, and more before anyone else.

Amazon Vine is an official program by Amazon. They select active customers and invite them to review their products.

While you can’t directly apply for Amazon Vine, we’ll share tips to get a quick invite.

In this post, we will talk about

  • how to become an Amazon product tester.
  • We’ll talk about Amazon Vine, a special program for top reviewers.
  • Like how many reviews you have to write to get invited.
  • Plus, other sites where you can start testing products right away.

Let’s get started with testing products and having fun!

Top Secret To Apply For Amazon Product Tester

How to Apply for Amazon Product Tester

Amazon Vine is a special program where top reviewers get free products to test and review. But you can’t just sign up for it. Amazon invites you based on your helpful reviews.

Rules of Amazon Vine:

  • Be honest in your reviews.
  • Write detailed reviews with pros and cons.
  • Follow all Amazon guidelines.

But don’t worry, we have some tips to help you get noticed and increase your chances of getting that invite!

Approx How Many Reviews Needed for Amazon Vine Invite?

The number of reviews you need to get invited to Amazon Vine can vary. Here are some real-life examples from Reddit:

How Many Reviews Needed for Amazon Vine Invite
  1. 10-15 Reviews: One person shared that they had around 10-15 reviews. Their most popular review was a funny one about a t-shirt, which got lots of upvotes.
  2. Hundreds of Reviews: Another person, who is a book reviewer, said he had left hundreds of reviews. The reviews had over 50,000 views and 319 helpful votes.
  3. Less Than 5 Reviews: Some people got invited with very few reviews. One user mentioned they had only left about five reviews before getting an invite.
  4. 3 to 10 Reviews: Another person estimated they had more than three but less than ten reviews.
  5. 18 Reviews: Someone else mentioned he left only 18 reviews when he received the invite.
  6. 9 Reviews: Another user got invited with just 9 reviews.
  7. About 10 Reviews: One person had around 10 reviews, mostly negative. He started doing positive reviews and got an invite after about two months.
  8. Around 20 Reviews: A user who reviewed video games had around 20 detailed reviews. He got the invite after the reviews reached about 20,000 views.

You can see that Reddit post from here.

As you can see, there isn’t a specific number of reviews required to get invited to Amazon Vine. It can range from just a few to hundreds.

The key is to write honest, detailed, and helpful reviews. Adding photos and videos can also help you stand out. Keep reviewing products regularly and stay active on Amazon.

Top Secret To Apply For Amazon Product Tester

Tips to Get Invited

Here are some tips to help you become a top reviewer and get invited to Amazon Vine:

  1. Write Lots of Reviews: Review everything you buy on Amazon. The more reviews you write, the better.
  2. Be Honest and Detailed: Always tell the truth about the products. Write detailed reviews with pros and cons.
  3. Use Photos and Videos: Add pictures and videos to your reviews. This helps people understand the product better.
  4. Be Helpful: Make sure your reviews help other customers. Write clear and useful information.
  5. Stay Active: Keep reviewing products regularly. Don’t stop after a few reviews.
  6. Answer Questions: Help other customers by answering their questions on product pages.
  7. Get Upvotes: Helpful reviews get upvotes from other customers. More upvotes can make you stand out.

By following these tips, you can become a top reviewer on Amazon. It will increase your chances of getting an invite to Amazon Vine!

Engage on Amazon

One more thing! To catch Amazon’s eye, you need to be active. Here’s what you can do:

  • Write Regular Reviews: The more you review, the better.
  • Upload Photos and Videos: Visuals make your reviews stand out.
  • Answer Questions: Help other customers by answering their questions about products.
  • Join Discussions: Participate in Amazon forums and discussions.

Other Popular Product Testing Sites

Besides Amazon Vine, there are other great platforms where you can test products. These sites let you try out new items and share your thoughts. Let’s look at some of the best ones!

1. Influenster

Influenster is a fun site where you get free stuff to try. First, sign up on their website or app. Link your social media accounts to your profile. The more you use social media, the better.

Influenster will send you a VoxBox with products to test. After you try them, you write reviews and share them on social media and the app.

How to Sign Up:

  • Visit the Influenster website or download the app.
  • Create an account by linking your social media profiles.
  • Fill out your profile with your interests and preferences.

2. BzzAgent

BzzAgent is another great site for testing products. When you match a campaign, they send you products to try. You review the products on BzzAgent and share your thoughts on social media.

Overview and Signup Process:

  • Go to the BzzAgent website.
  • Sign up using your email or social media account.
  • Complete surveys to help BzzAgent match you with products.

3. Smiley360

Smiley360 is easy to use. Sign up on their website and complete your profile. This helps them find the right products for you.

When chosen, you get products to test. They give you missions, like sharing your thoughts on social media or writing reviews. You can test things like household items, beauty products, and snacks.

How It Works:

  • Sign up on the Smiley360 website.
  • Fill out your profile and take surveys to match you with products.
  • When chosen, you’ll get products to test.

4. UserTesting

UserTesting is a bit different. Instead of products, you test websites and apps. Sign up on their website and take a sample test to show your skills.

Once approved, you get paid to test websites and apps. You record videos of your experience and give feedback to help companies improve.

How to Sign Up:

  • Go to the UserTesting website and create an account.
  • Take a sample test to show your reviewing skills.
  • When approved, you’ll get paid to test websites and apps.
  • Share your feedback through recorded videos.

5. Rebaid

Rebaid is my favorite one. It lets you buy products at a discount or get them for free.

Sign up on their website and browse the products. Choose what you want to test and buy it at a lower price or for free. After you get the product, you share your review.

Rebaid gives you a rebate after you buy the product.

Overview and Signup Process:

  • Visit the Rebaid website.
  • Sign up with your email and create an account.
  • Browse available products and choose what you want to test.
  • Buy the product at a discount or get it for free.
  • Share your review after testing the product.

Join these sites today! You can start testing all kinds of products, from household items to the latest apps. It’s a fun way to try new things and share your opinions!

Apply for Amazon Product Tester


You learned in this blog,

  • how to become an Amazon product tester
  • Ways to get invited to join Amazon Vine
  • How many reviews you may need to get invited
  • Some other great product testing sites
  • How to get started and start testing products

Now, it’s your turn to start testing products! It’s a great way to try new things and share your opinions.

Remember, Amazon has rules about reviews. You can’t write reviews in exchange for payment or products. Always be honest in your reviews. This way, you help others and stay safe.

Extra cash!

You can earn some extra money by selling products after you test them. We have a separate blog post about how to do this. Be sure to check it out!

We’d love to hear from you! Share your experiences or ask questions in the comments below. Happy testing!

Sharing is caring!

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